Happy & satisfied customers share about how this natural supplement has changed their lives.

Dr. Ahmad Kamal

Thank you Dr Salehin. After knowing the Dr, I continued to try Manna & Tayebat. It's been 2 weeks, Alhamdulillah, my diverticulitis pain is almost 100% gone. Last week, I ate a feast. I try to eat a lot of meat. Alhamdulillah, the pain did not come back. I started sharing even though I didn't make a profit. Because I want to share how I feel. Many of my siblings have started ordering Manna & Tayebat. By chance, many of my siblings know Dr. Salehin because I come from Changkat Jeting, Taiping. I have been looking for a cure for four months, I just found it. With God's permission, I hope this cure will continue its effects. Thank you very much.

Puan Tahiriah Ismail

My friends and I just started eating 3 weeks ago. Alhamdullilah the result is good. The discharge of large/small water is very smooth. My friend used to have constipation and goes to the toilet only twice a week, but now he goes everyday. I used to urinate once an hour, now it's only 4-5 hours. In the past, if I had a fever/cough, I had to take antibiotics. This is the first time in my life that I was cured without antibiotics. My skin will become red and itchy too and Alhamdulillah it's all gone. My mind is more focused & my memory is stronger Alhamdulillah.

Omar Hamid

Before I adopted Tayebat prebiotic powder, managing diabetes was one of the things that was quite difficult for me. Despite following a controlled diet & exercise, my blood sugar levels are still often unstable & difficult to control. But, after practicing Tayebat in my daily life, I noticed a significant change in my blood sugar level & also my digestive system. I feel more energetic & less bloated, my insulin sensitivity is also improving.

Before & After Effects

This patient has eczema in several parts of the body. Legs are among the parts that are significantly affected.

After taking Manna & Tayebat for some time, the red spots seem to have faded.

His hands are also parts that are often affected, making it difficult for him to do housework.

The red effect of eczema seems to disappear almost completely as a result of consistent consumption of Manna & Tayebat.

Red skin & painful wounds make it difficult for this baby to sleep well.

Redness on the skin is significantly reduced as a result of continuous consumption of Manna & Tayebat.

This was the condition of this baby before Manna & Tayebat's brief study was conducted to find out its effect on eczema.

And this is the condition of the same baby 2 weeks after his mother introduced Manna & Tayebat in his daily diet.

Scaly skin results from a significant lack of skin moisture which also causes itching over time.

After the introduction of Manna & Tayebat, this baby's skin looks smoother & less scaly.

Eczema on his face has disturbed his confidence for a long time. Stress is one of the main triggers of eczema on the face.

Positive changes can be seen after only 2 weeks of consistent consumption of Manna & Tayebat.

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